Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What is Beauty?

"Bada hua to kya hua, Jaise ped khajoor; Panthi ko chaya nahin, Phal laage atti dooor"
We all know that it's an old adage. But it teaches us a right lesson always. Here in this adage, Kabir talks about a date tree which grows so tall and its fruit grows far as well that it is very hard for us to reach up and get them. It doesn't provide us shade so travelers can't even take rest under it. They just look at and pass by. It just tells us that there is no use to be proud on anything of yours until or unless its unable to give happiness to other people and share their sorrows or not helpful to other people. Today using the same adage I want to talk about Personal Beauty. We all know that beauty doesn't need any kind of ornaments. It is a gift from God to Human being. The person who gets blessed by nature, He gets blessed with precious beauty. A beautiful person, who has beautiful personality, gives a different kind of impression on others. Everybody likes beautiful person. Every body wants to be beautiful to have beautiful impression on other people. Whole world's cosmetics are just working on to make women beautiful, but its true that you can buy things with money but can't buy real beauty. You just can buy things with money to make it true. But the Creator doesn't want any kind of change in his creation. It is true that you look like nice if you have white skin, but just having white skin is not everything. It doesn't have to do everything with your personality. And instead of that the person whose skin color is okay (neither white neither black) can have better personality than the person having white skin color. Everything that shines doesn't mean its gold. If people are successful, its not because they are physically beautiful, Its just of their intelligence, the way they understand, their own understandings, their knowledge and their positive attitudes.
We all know that Nature is like kind and smiling mother. Lets talk about Mother Nature.
A Parrot is a beautiful bird but parrot harms the farmer's field by eating his crop Ex. Maize. If we see a honeybee, what is its job? We get honey from this bee, but if the same bee bites you and then it makes you cry too. You feel so much pain.
If you think about a black bird you won't imagine that it is so beautiful, but when you hear cuckoo's voice it is so sweet. About snake, nature has blessed a snake with its own beauty with very soft skin, with beautiful colors on body but I am sure you won't like to imagine what if the same snake bites someone. Right? Your beauty is not a true beauty until you don't get to know what is a real beauty means?
You see ugly eagles flying in the sky, but they help us to keep our environment clean. It's amazing thing to see in nature. And this nature teaches us.
I know our appearance is important. Although everybody wants to be good Looking; are beautiful people always happier people? They must be having some problems with being very beautiful too! Don't you think so? Being attractive is like being rich- it can help you find happiness, but it doesn't always make you happy. Simply try to be an interesting person. For Interesting people have interesting faces, and interesting faces are almost always attractive. The pride of physical beauty, your skin color is not stable forever. People say Physical beauty is not forever. It's just a guest for 4 days. The beauty is what is in your inside, that is beauty and that will live forever. Beauty is in good things what you do. Your nice behavior with others, the way you understand a person, the way you trust a person, the way you love a person, the way you care, the way you share, your honesty and your self- confidence. It makes your personality so beautiful. One thing to remember: People will forget what you say; People will forget what you do; but they will never forget what you made them feel. You are unique, and your character is unique. Never feel any kind of lack in you. To live wonderful you have to feel wonderful!

Some body said so true that a beautiful woman is a diamond BUT truthful, Honest, trustworthy woman is a treasure. And finally I would like to say that Beautiful person is that who does beautiful, who says beautiful and who feels beautiful and helps other people to do the same!

Obsession or sacrifice

Hello everyone....
last few days have been very tough without my lappi :(
This article is written by one of friends. I found it interesting so thought of sharing it with you all. Enjoy and please do comment.... Adios!!!

When I was young I was told that I am a bird, a bird that has beautiful wings, who can fly and reach to the skies with those wings, and her every flight will be a chase to her dreams. And what if nothing of that sort happened, if I am not lucky enough to reach the world of my dreams… what if someone’s cruel obsession takes me to his world of dreams, not mine with my wings.
Moments break down sometimes, forcing our destiny to be ruled out. I lost one more wing today. Am I becoming weak??? I don’t know, but the fact I know is my former flight was fake. Fake as if someone else used my wings to fly, and left me as unusable piece of trash.
U know generally Americans just use and throw everything which is not dear but is useful, but here in India we use, use and use and when it becomes useless we don’t throw, we DESTROY. We destroy its influence & existence, so that the essence is not even smelled by someone else. We become the only owners. Owners of our self obsession, owners of our wicked pride, owners of a fake territory whose existence influence just our minds…
I never understood why is it such a big deal to destroy, either they are uneducated or they never understood education. Is ruling someone weaker is a sign of pride or we think being a human ruling no less than a human proves us to be more powerful.
Choices define a human. Everyone has a choice, either to be a saint, or bring the animal outside him, as bad as an atrocious. One thing is for sure being a saint won’t help you survive in this materialistic world. Being a middle path follower, you have to compromise… but here in India we follow the extreme path. Being an animal, animal which causes destruction, the only way for him to survive in this aura of extremism, or may be we don’t want to compromise. But what does such a destruction of a weaker soul provide us???
The simple and obvious answer is luxury. Luxury of being cruel, being an extremist, one of the kinds who rule around me. Well now it is becoming a little confusing, how does luxury come to picture, how are we causing any destruction? Now let me narrate u a simple story which may solve our confusion here.
I knew an old lady, she had a big family. A son, his wife n his children. The bride could never give her a son nor could she bring a lot of dowry to her home. She was sent out to work, to sell everything that she had, her physical strength n later our body…her soul. She was beaten with every possible weapon; she had marks of the cruel obsession of her family on every part of her body. And one day when she became useless she was burnt to death, so that someone else could take her place and her wings could be used for their flight.
It’s not just one story, I have many. When one girl fell in love with a boy, he borrowed her wings. She made his notes, she made his assignments, she taught him for his exams, she prayed for him and his family. She gave herself mentally and physically to him. When one day she became useless he stood up and said, “it’s over, I was always your good friend.” He used her wings took a long beautiful flight and destroyed them.
How can u justify such an obsession? Is luxury the only important criteria to lead a good life? I have a justification which that boy gave that gal... he said, “I have to leave you, because if we live any moment together you will fall in love with me, which I don’t want. I just want to live this relationship as it is, but you want to change it, I have to sacrifice this friendship because of your attitude.
SACRIFICE…. How in this world can u justify such an obsession with sacrifice? I read it somewhere that when we sacrifice something precious, we are not loosing it, instead we are just passing it to someone who needs it more than us.
Suddenly the meaning of this word changed for me. It seemed like this word is made just to narrate the stories of some cruel kings, so that we can hide their cruelty of killing innocents in this beautiful word sacrifice for his people, or may be so that our kids should appreciate the end.
How can we equalize our obsession of cruelty with a sacrifice? Yes we sacrifice a lot of things for our obsession, say for example that old lady in the former story, or a drug addict. But how can you justify our obsession with a sacrifice.
Its very simple, you can never justify anyone’s bad deeds, sometimes you can’t justify yours either. But when I chose to write about it, I had to give you the justification that I got.
And yes, not everyone in this world is a cruel animal. There are still humans left for us, to lift our souls from death. They say “nothing can be destroyed; it’s just a phase of life. If you want to move on, stand up and run you can do that any moment of your life.
No one can destroy you on this earth other than your own self.” One of this kind, I met some time back. He had a conclusion for this note, a conclusion which was not necessary but yes it was sufficient.
Generally a conclusion is ending the article in a sad note or in some motivating words straight from bible, but here conclusion is the cause behind such an obsession. Every human is not born animal. It’s his upbringing which forces him to behave that ways. May be he is not stopped of showing such a behavior, or may be this is the only behavior which prevailed around which later became his life, his true identity. It’s not his fault until he does not understand what he is doing, this behavior is his identity, and he can never loose it.
And if he knows that being an animal is a crime & still he follows it, then I would call him a living monster. And its written in GITA that when you find a lot of living monsters around, you are in kalyug. Yug of kaal...or the era of darkness..!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wanted- A pretty,beautiful and Gori bride...

Till yesterday it was said and believed that marriages are made in heaven. Today's matrimonial ads make us believe that the sacred task of bringing bride and groom together is their social duty and they discharge it in most mundane way, i.e. charging rupees ten per word(or whatever the rates are). Pages after pages are occupied. They have also nearly exploded the hitherto believed myth that beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. These ads seem to be proclaiming from rooftop come to us, each ad of ours promises you nothing but pretty, beautiful and fair bride. I wonder the ones who are not so lucky as to be acknowledged in terms of superlatives where and how do they advertise. Come to think of it now that we have beauty parlors on every street do we still have the ones who can not be termed beautiful. I bet you mustn't have come across an ad wherein plain looking simple bride is looking for plain looking simple groom or vice versa.

Most of the ads carry a great lie with equally great impunity, that is, no bride is dark complexioned, all are fair. Reaffirming our faith-everything is fair in love and war nay marriage. This in turn has threatened the parents of genuinely fair brides giving them both, Sleepless nights. Indian ingenuity is unique, ads now carry the word GORI in all sincerity and connotations. Necessity is mother of invention. Bazaar is full of oils, creams, masks and what have you, guaranteeing ( no warranty please ) to make you so Gori that you become nearly yes nearly unrecognizable even to your most intimate friends.

On the contrary, groom may be as thin as matchstick or as grotesque as the one show in 'Before' photograph of a weight loss center but he is ever handsome in the wonderland of ads. As if this was not a lie enough we have icing to top, he is dark and handsome. Darker he is, more handsome and he-man he would be. I wonder, why they don't refer girls as dark and beautiful or dark and lovely. Our efforts to be Gora/Gori could be traced back to the days of British rule in India. To look like 'Masters', to emulate master is a deep rooted hidden desire. We do have sayings such as Handsome is who handsome does. Beauty is but skin deep etc. etc. which declare our policy of splendid isolation with regard to superficial and earthly concept of beauty. All this is forgotten as soon as the boy comes of age. He wants to marry only a look alike of latest masala film heroine. Actresses of so called off wave and art films are at disadvantageous position here too. They invoke sympathetic looks. Needless to say that one can not marry and live happily long on sympathy alone. In their bid to look and remain Gori the not so Gori ones are employing every possible device. Cream, cucumber, orange, lemon, pulp and peels. Cosmetic surgery is also making hay while the sun shines. Your nose can now be chiseled to give Cleopatra touch. Can ask for a beauty spot of the size and specifications one so chooses. Color of your eyes and hair can be changed to 'mera wala blue'.

The meaning of 'decent marriage' need no explanation in India today. Similarly, 'fair' has acquired fairly large usage. All brides are, fair, sweet, caring, pretty, lovely and last but not the least 'homely'.

All grooms are tall, handsome well-settled and earning four figures … could be anything in the range of one thousand to nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine. Not impressive enough ! the trend or shall I say going rate is five to six figures.

Marriage celebrations in hotels and marriage halls has taken the fizz away. Warmth, overeating and weeklong celebrations have given way to dieting, diabetes and dining, buffet at that, which is nothing but too many crows kaw kawing and jostling for too little.