Thursday, March 5, 2009

Most beautiful things about Women

March 8 is round the corner. As all of us know it is celebrated as the International Women's Day. Although I wonder sometimes that a day of the year is marked to remind us the existence and contributions of fifty percent of human race :P.
Women- one of the most beautiful and complex creations of God. One of my friends other day mentioned to me about the approaching 8th March. So I just thought what is it about them that they are the most favorite subjects of poets? Why is it that men have laid down their lives for women? From emotional to serious to confused; what is it that makes them so special? And thus began one of those thinking sessions (Yeah, I do sometimes exercise my mind here in IIT :P ). Finally I came up with 10 most beautiful things about women. And these are my own observations. So this is what I came up with:

1. It has always amazed me how wonderfully giving and loving women are.Their love is unconditional. If a woman says she loves you, no one else in this whole world can love you more than her. Although they get upset very easily but once they forgive, they really forget.
2. The most adorable thing about a woman is her blush. Oh my, my!!! It speaks volumes and conveys things which she would not openly admit to. It shows she more than cares and is crazy about you.
3. And blush makes me think about their smile. Now, when a woman smiles she really smiles. She smiles from her heart and speaks with her eyes. She has a tender smile, a loving smile which can make any man go weak on his knees.
4. Ever looked into her eyes? Just pause for a moment and look into them. They may be deeper than Mariana Trench. A woman speaks a lot with her eyes. And believe me if you can read her eyes, you can decipher any code or language in this world. It is one of those things which makes her more vulnerable and yet more beautiful than men.
5. This may sound a bit odd to most of you. But it is amazing how women can hear you out for hours. They never pass judgments. Never say you are wrong (even if you behave as the biggest jerk in the world). They criticize without wounding.
6. Now this one is my personal favorite. I love a woman when she loses her temper. She gets all fluttered and says all sorts of things which doesn't mean, is very harsh and then bursts into tears. Oh my God help me out here, who is being yelled at? :P
7. I know many of you will call me sadist for this but I think the most beautiful and irresistible thing is her tear. It is guaranteed to break down the hardest of resistances and melt the stoniest hearts. On the other side it also shows the breaking of all the barriers a woman builds up. When a woman is crying she is opening up completely before you and trusts you enough for it.

8. I'm really amazed at the endurance of women.
If men were dished even half the crap some women are dished out every day we would raise a hue and cry. But women bear it all and come out smiling. They even manage to love the jerk who does it all to them.
I love the general “do-good” attitude that is an undeniable part of every woman. They are out to reform everyone. They will give you sermons on all your vices (by the number of ‘vices’ they list you will feel a worse insect than Satan will) and tell you have to reform to be a “better” person. And will be hurt if you don’t wanna change.
10. And finally when I come to think of it, there isn't only one single thing that can make you love her. It is a perfect mix that makes us men go weak kneed. The sensuality combined with care; naughtiness combined with nurturing;
the vivacity coupled with quiet understanding. It is a heady mix and man; its very intoxicating.


  1. all of this is making me to seriously consider falling in love... :-)

  2. this is just so good......... i dont have words for it...seriously
